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What do you need right now?

Hi my beloved friend, 

It's been a while since I've checked in. 

I'm wondering, how are you feeling? 

And, what do you need right now?

If you are feeling overwhelmed by pain or emotions, or just not sure what you need - 

I find that getting in touch with my breath is the best way to find peace and clarity. 

Here are a few of my favorite ways to connect to my breath...

  1. Take a walk - and try going somewhere new, preferably in nature!

    A change of scenery will shake things up, providing new perspective and JOY. 

    Plus, being in nature for 20 min. is proven to reduce stress (specifically cortisol)! 

    Enjoy the fresh air and notice how it affects your breathing.

  2. Do some yoga, maybe practice with me in one of the videos on our website. :) 

    The first video on the page is perfect during a migraine, and contains breathing exercises specifically to help soothe migraine pain

    So if you need some relief, give it a try. 

  3. Resting in child's pose (pictured). 

    How to : bring your toes to touch, knees apart at a comfortable width, 

    extend your arms forward and allow your hips to sink back towards your heels - 

    lengthening your spine and low back.

    (Alternatively you can bring your knees together and arms by your sides, whatever feels best.) 

    Your forehead will rest on the mat which helps release tension stored there from stress and migraine episodes

    *Expert tip*: think about the skin of your forehead pulling towards your nose - this will allow your eyes to close easily and your nervous system to relax

    Count your breaths and notice the sensations in your body. 

I would love to hear from you, so please reach out either on this thread, or directly to me at

I am sending you hugs and prayers of peace.   

love, Sarah