A note from Sarah


Dear friend,

If you battle migraine, I want you to know that I see your strength.

I’ve battled migraine since I was a child, and by 2015 I was in a cycle of chronic migraine. In addition to overwhelming physical pain, I felt powerless, isolated, exhausted, sad, afraid, angry… It felt like darkness all the time.

Taking medications from my neurologist was my primary migraine management tool. But after my husband and I realized I wasn’t getting better, we started asking - “are there natural ways to prevent migraine?”

Through extensive research of clinical reports we found the answer is, YES!

I began making lifestyle changes, and slowly but surely was able to break my cycle of chronic migraine.


This journey led to Om – a community support for us with migraine.

And I created Zen Nectar, inspired by a formula my mother-in-law gave me, so you can have all-natural pain relief whenever you need it. 

I pray that as we create community, we’ll illuminate the dark places migraine creates by using our common struggles to UPLIFT and STRENGTHEN one another - creating a world with less pain.

We are peaceful warriors, self-healers and stronger together.


I acknowledge the power and beauty within you and myself.”

love, Sarah